On Saturday, 2010-04-02, Slovenian Ubuntu translation team is organizing a translation marathon as a part of Ubuntu Global Jam.
We will meet at Kiberpipa, Kersnikova 6, Ljubljana, Slovenia at 9 am. Schedule for the event is:
- 9.00-9.15 gathering
- 9.15-10.00 first translation session
- 9.30-10.00 (optional) short translation (basic grammar, vocabulary) introduction and Launchpad introduction for newcomers
- 10.00-10.15 first break (coffee tea, cookies, discussions)
- 10.15-11.00 second translation session
- 11.00-11.15 second break (coffee tea, cookies, discussions)
- 11.15-12.00 third translation session
- 12.00-12.15 third break (coffee tea, cookies, discussions)
- 12-15-13.00 fourth translation session
- 13.00-14.00 lunch break (sandwiches, discussion about cooperation among translation groups, common vocabulary, communication and other)
- 14.00-14.45 fifth translation session
- 14.45-15.00 break (coffee tea, cookies, discussions)
- 15.00-15.45 sixth translation session
- 15.45-16.00 break (coffee tea, cookies, discussions)
- 16.00-16.45 seventh translation session
- 16.45-17.00 cleaning up
- 17.00-? end of official translation marathon. We head off for some pizza and maybe also somewhere else, depending on the mood.
Our primary goal is to translate some untranslated bits and to do a massive translation bug hunt ever to ensure user experience in Slovenian language is going to rock in Natty. You can contribute by translating (don't worry about your language skills, we will review every sting before it's included in Natty). If you feel more confident you can review translations made by others.
It's often difficult to figure out where strings will appear in the program and hence be certain translation is correct. We need brave and adventurous users, who don't mind running Ubuntu 11.04 beta (if you are not one of them, you can still run it from USB flash drive) to run programs included in Ubuntu be default and check if everything looks OK.
Members of other translation groups are also coming, so this will be great opportunity to meet them, ask them questions or even join their team.
Furthermore a couple of programmers are also coming, so you can come and join them in reporting, or if you are a programmer yourself, fixing bugs too. Running Ubuntu 11.04 beta is recommended in that case. For new bughunters a short lesson how to effectively report bugs in Launchpad will be given.
Finally you can also come to keep us company, encourage us and meet us. You don't have to stay for the whole day if you don't have time. You can only come for a couple of hours if that suits you better.
Please let us know if you plan to come on andrej.znidarsic@ubuntu.com (We would like to know approximately how many people are planning to come to prepare tables and chairs and get an appropriate amount of food and drinks).
If you cannot get to Ljubljana for any reason join as on #ubuntu-si on freenode and you will find more information how to contribute there.
Join us and lets make Slovenian translations rock even harder in Natty!