ponedeljek, 18. oktober 2010

Slovenian institute for blood transfusion uses Gnome desktop

Today I donated some blood again (this was my 9th time) to help to people who need it.

My blood type is 0+, which means everyone can use my blood so they kind of like it. Additionally my blood gets tested before anyone gets it. Hence I can regularly see if something wierd has appeared in my blood count.

Of course it would be pretty bad if the blood got mixed up so everything is labeled with stickers with barcodes running on some sort of database system.

Logo of Slovenian institute for blood transfusion 

When I came to register I noticed they use a program with limited UI capabilites (only a couple of fields to enter data), but much more interesting, surprising and joyful discovery was gnome panel sitting on top of the screen.

As there were only icons and clodk in the panel (no text), I wasn't able to determine whether gnome was localised or not, but nevertheless it was great to see  that software I am passionate about is being used in production environemnts where reliability and stability is a must.

Another example why it's good to translate. You never know who will find your work usefull :)

P.s. Unfortunately i don't have a screenshot because I forgot, but even if I wouldn't forget the picture probably wouldn't be any good, because computer monitor was behind glass window.

3 komentarji:

  1. Awesome, it's very rewarding to see the desktop environment we contribute to being deployed out there.

    Especially in the medical field, where not only we see it used in a way that directly helps people, but also in such a critical environment, where the GNOME infrastructure can excel.

    Thanks for sharing this Andrej!

  2. Dobra vest, Andrej! Voleo bih da se Ubuntu koristi u ovakvim institucijama i u Srbiji!
    Pozdrav iz Beograda!

  3. Thanks for all the good wishes !

    I hope I will be able to post about similar events as often as possible :)
